Sunday, March 31, 2013

Supporters From All Around + Easter Special

Hello My Dear Readers,

Today's episode will be about none the less but an additional list of supporters, then I will make a great leap towards some rules about how Easter should look like in an animal-friendly world.

First, the president of the League was kind enough to compile me another -a more detailed, additional- list of the supporters, so everyone who contributes to the work of the pet-savers will receive full credit for their hard work and generosity.

They are -as you can see on the website- all about keeping pets safe and comfortable, by providing high-quality pet furniture. From cages to cat toys, has always been eager to support the well-being of animals that have been saved from non-suitable environment. They always give their furniture that is needed by the League for free, for which we are enormously thankful of course. :)
They also have a lot of sales and as I went through the website myself, you can actually find some really good deals, so fellow Pet Keeper, feel free to go through the many kinds of boxes and accessories the website can offer and purchase them if you'd like to!

Imi Service Station

This garage offers free service for all the cars that belong to the league, and if you are a supporter of the League yourself, Imi is also happy to offer you some additional discount for you!

Sunny Tattoo:

(The link goes to the facebook page of the tattoo shop, so if you are not registered, you may find it difficult to enter the site!)
People at Sunny Tattoo are responsible for some additional touch-ups of the League members: They make their tattoos (who'da thought?)

Subway Váci Utca

Subway, one of the tastiest supporters of the League gives food for free whenever there is an occasion (fundraising or meeting.) Yummy!


This awesome company supports the League with advertisement. They install posters and stickers in elevators so that they can make the ups and downs of people who use elevators a little less trying. :)

Body Builder Gym:

This awesome gym helped the Pet Rescue League by giving out v.i.p. tickets to all members that never expire, and thus they not only contribute to the healthy life of the men and women who support the case, but also help them stay fit. It might be really useful when they need that extra power while trying to catch stray dogs :)

Kennel Gyár

This company specialises in building safe and strong kennels for dogs, and they -being pet lovers of course- agreed to give material and professional help in building kennels in Gyömrő. (Where, by the way, there are still dozens of dogs that are waiting for an adoptive family. They have no problems with becoming a member of an English-speaking household, so don't hesitate to run through their list of pets waiting for adoption!)

This would be it about the awesome supporters, now let's get down to business!

It's Easter time and many reckless parents give bunnies to children -to my dismay. It is really unfortunate, that many parents and children simply get rid of the fluffy bunnies right after Easter is gone, so please if you don't want to keep the rabbit, refrain from purchasing one!

It has come to the League's knowledge that there has even been an occasion organized by a National Park
 where the PRIZES of competitions were live rabbits. Fortunately, the President was not scared to interfere and send an official letter to the organisers to call off the live-bunny prize thing before poor souls could have been given to families that have no intention to care about them.

Now all I can say is Happy Easter, Dearies, make sure you rest enough in the Easter Holiday!

Bunnies Saved By The League in Easter Time


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Co-operation Is The Key

Hello Fellow Animal Lovers,

Here it is; this week's brand new blog entry! Excited enough?

(I'm going to put a little more emphasis on encouraging, today's post is less of a story-telling thing, so here it is!)

First, the storytelling part:

I can proudly say that the Pet Rescue League had made its first appearance on an official meeting including officials from Újpest district, the public surveillance team, members of the local police station and the president of the League himself.

The meeting was organized by the local government, and the President of the League was invited. The basic aim for the event was to present the useful cooperation between members of the League, the Police Forces and the Public Surveillance team. There was a presentation on the statistics, stating there are 10,000 or more dogs in Újpest alone, and with the help of the League, the number of strays is going down as fast as ever.

The focus point was the changing of the law and how the League members can catch up with it. Ever since the 31st of December 2012, the Hungarian law states that all dogs must have an identification chip installed under their skin, so that no strays would be left any clue about their original owner.

The League, in its action that began in about October, has given out about 700 chips for free. There are many people who cherish their animals but have no money put aside to buy such things, nor to take their pets to the vet all of a sudden. So, the enthusiastic members -along with some hundred chips- decided to 'chip in' for those in need (excuse my humour).

The evaluation of the work done together did not only consist of the chip-action though. As the League are a non-profit, and not government-owned organization, people tend to speak to them, hoping it would reach to those in charge. Because of the time spent with communication by the League's activists, many ideas have reached the local government about installing more parks in Újpest for dog owners, where they can let loose their beloved pets and play freely. As the government usually has no time to answer to or deal with issues like this, these meetings and the work done together can have more far-reaching effects than helping some people to identificating chips for individual pets.

And now as for the encouraging part:

I encourage you, Dear Reader, to start working together with the local government, wherever you live. This might not only help you with creating a loveable and suitable environment to you and your pets, but as you could see in the example above, it might have a long-term, far-reaching effect in the means of developping districts within big cities that make life in the city much more bearable. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Pets of the Horror House

 Hello, Dear Readers!

Today’s post will be somewhat different. I’ve secretly made a promise not to display too much violence or horror in my blog posts, but I think that a case like this deserves worldwide attention.
About three weeks ago, Hungarian channels were full with a shocking story: A man surgically sewed together his wife’s mouth. Him being 27 and his wife being 45 years old kind of sets the atmosphere for an unusual story, and here it is:

The raging man called the police himself, claiming that his wife was kidnapped first then brought to their apartment, and after was tortured then finally (with the help of magical powers I guess) found by the husband.

(this was one of the stitches I assume, from <link> note that the article only exists in Hungarian)

As the police suspected that the man was lying, the interrogation went on during which the man finally admitted to doing all the harm himself, as ’his bedroom manners are just a little rough, that’s all’.
But what does it have to do with pets?

The League was called shortly after this case happened to rescue two lovely cats that were trapped int he apartment. Both being champions in hide-and-seek, our men had a tough job finding those two. Both kitties were terribly underfed and their fur is in bad condition, which basically set the final decision to be an easy one to make: the cats could never return to their original owner. 

They are quite antisocial, have been through a lot- this might give us a fair example what could happen to two animals as harmless and who really do not have anything to do with what kind of person their owner is, and still suffer greatly from the consequences. Considerate pet keeping and also paying attention to the pets around us are really important nowadays. 

These kittens will be up for adoption probably after some rehabilitation, if you have gotten to like them, please contact me via e-mail.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Out In the Streets

Dear Readers,

I decided to use this week’s blog post for animals that are being used as objects, mistreated publicly.
Walking down int he streets of Budapest, it is not hard to come across beggars. They are everywhere, in different forms, and some of them –those people really wake my anger- who use dogs to make people feel sympathetic. 
I believe that these people do not understand that taking out dogs with them in wintertime, or in summertime when the concrete is hot is highly irresponsible pet keeping. They endanger the lives of the animals, only to wake some interests of animal lovers.

There has been several occasions when upon public notice, the Pet Rescue team had to save animals, especially dogs from beggars int he streets, who kept the poor souls beside themselves.
The pets were usually drastically underfed and dehydrated, and the League’s members often had to take immediate action and confiscate the animal before the keeping would go fatal.

Please let the League know if you see anything like this in the streets of Budapest, before it is too late!

Back to the Pet Rescue League~! 

Today’s short story involves a beautiful golden retriever named Chilli. The dog was rescued from a beggar who was in Móricz Zsigmond Körtér. The public informed the League’s members about the dog, and how skinny it looked, probably underfed. and fortunately now lives with new owners; a brand new life, a brand new home.

The picture on the left shows Chili while being taken away, the right one is with its new family, happily playing fetch with its owners.

Chilli reportedly attends a dog school and enjoys daily activities and loves playing with its new family.

Help dogs like Chilli by donating to the Pet Rescue League in Budapest, so that I can inform you about new happy dogs who find owners and hopefully a new home to live in.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Supporters from all around

Dear Viewers, today's post will be dedicated to the earnest, self-sacrificing people and organizations that help the Pet rescue team with their work, in the means of equipment or money.

The first and biggest company to give a helping hand in need is Panzi-Pet kft.
This company produces pet food, equipment for animal lovers, everything from dog leashes to kitty litter.
If there is a case, they would immediately dispatch even 50 kg's of dog food, but they also occasionely send packages of boxes for dogs and leashes, that are of great quality.

The bars that had to be installed inside the cars that the League uses, were also a gift from Panzi-Pet.

They sell their product all over Budapest, in smaller shops, but whenever there are leftover stocks of pet food that have an expiration date that is close, Panzi-pet makes sure that the League receives a fair amount of it.

Skorpió kft, another generous benefactor of the League, provided them with URH radios (seen under), to help the group of men cooperate easily, and they also provided a huge amount of electric chips that I mentioned in the last post, they can be used to identify pets.

Halycomp kft,  was another generous company to provide the Pet Rescue team of Budapest with laptops, in order to make their work quicker and more effective. The internet gives them a great advantage, and now that they can use it as help, their work in contacting people who lost their pets is much more successful.


The League's official doctor, who is actually available at any times (there have been actions where pets were injured so severely, that they needed immediate medical attendance. His Internet-name even speaks for itself for those who speak a little Hungarian Dr.Attila Vainer, aka. Dr. Vau (meaning 'Dr. Woof'), the vet is available at all time, himself also being devoted to rescuing the lives of animals, of course. 

Raising Awareness

It is crucial to the League, that some awareness is raised day-by-day, about their work, and as being a non-profit organization, they need as many supporters as possible. 
Dekoráció.com is a company that gave name cards, and the stickers for the cars the company uses for own purposes. 

What to do if I want to support the League?

Send your donations to the bank account above. The beneficiary should be "Állatmentő Liga, 1048 Budapest, Szíjgyártó Street 13 III/7"
Please make sure you write "Támogatás az Állatmentő Liga részére" in the 'notes' section.

There are occasions (of which I will inform you) when the League organizez a charity for a certain animal's medical care; it can happen that a pet is severely injured and it needs expensive medical care immediately. If there is a certain pet you'd like to help via donating, write the pet's name and the reason or case in the 'notes section' e.g.: Police's surgery (that's the dog I introduced in my first post by the way.)

Thank you for visiting my site, see you next week!