Sunday, November 10, 2013

Attention, Pet Owners!

Hey there Fellow Pet Lovers!

I'm going to translate this for you all out there, so that you'll be aware of the situation in Angyalföld, district nr 13.
"Now I've had enough like it or not, you can start fearing me now, dog owners! 
I now possess the equipment with which -because of your moronic and stupid behavior-, I'm going to murder your dogs in Angyalföld! I'm going to put VENOM and gas spray (why??) out in the streets, until you learn that instead of caps and jackets, you need to put a LEASH on your pups in public places. Dogs are only allowed to be set free from their leashes in the marked areas, moreover, there are signs saying 'no dogs allowed' put in many places where I live, and dogs are still walking around, far away from their careless owners.
After 10-12 hours of work I cannot go home because dogs are strolling around in the streets, and in the public places, and if I tell the owner to put the dog on a leash, these "moronic dog-lover a**holes" tell me to wait until the "sh***y" dog does a number one in the street and that they won't hold the dog, why am I scared of them, they don't care, they will care because it is going to cost the dogs' lives ???"

Ok, so this is the whole message that was posted to the League's Facebook Page, alerting all residents of Angyalföld to be REALLY cautious about this woman. Her name is Ágnes and she is willing to murder pets in the area, for her own well-being. It's safe to say that she has some kind of mental illness, or at least is on level zero of tolerance and care, but this post is not about me ranting about some crazy woman, but to inform all of you, English speakers in Angyalföld, to really be careful about letting your dogs off their leashes because she might really do harm to them.

An official report has naturally been filed against her by the League, the case is already being dealt with.

It is not only for dog-lovers though: Watch your children closely too, because they might touch these venomous whatevers that she puts out, also, if you own a cat, make sure to regularly check them for any kind of symptoms of sickness, if you catch anything weird, take your pet immediately to a vet!

Until next time, take care!


The Blog Is Reborn!

Dear Fellow Pet Lovers,

I have decided to spend some more of my free time blogging for you- about the League's work.
There has been so many things happening in the last few months, that catching up will not be a piece of cake!

Prioritizing these events will also not be too easy, but I promise I'll try my best.
First, I'm going to talk about what AWESOME cooperation has been initiated in the IV. district of Budapest: Újpest, Hungary, home of the Pet Rescue League.

Zsolt Wintermantel and Tamás Terdik. Two names to be known for a person living in Újpest, two very important people who decided to help the League by giving their thirds to the action.

The mayor of Újpest, Zsolt Wintermantel decided that the Local Government also needs to contribute to the group's actions, so they started cooperationg with the League Members, by providing them some money for gas (about a 1.000.000 HUF/year), and letting them use any public place in case there is something nasty going on there. All along our phone interview, I could simply not stop myself from smiling: a person this important to a city speaking with such admiration and thankfulness in his voice... Seriously, I was awestruck for minutes after we finished talking.
I was thrilled to hear that the local Police Station, with its Commissioner, Tamás Terdik also got into the business:
The local police forces are weekly patrolling the streets with qualified League members, who, as Dr. Terdik said, sometimes can see such things happening in connection with animal abuse, that police officers might not recognize, as they are looking for some quite different sources of trouble.

The cooperation sounds absolutely fun, right? (I myself SO hope to be able to go on patrol with them one day... I think I might send a letter to Santa about it)

And about the publicity of the action + comments:

Not only the people involved, but also the residents are excited about the cooperation. As I've read the comments on their Facebook Page, people are happy to see policemen along the volunteers, making things swifter and easier for them, as only a policemen are allowed to take action on an official level, so dealing with animal abusers becomes more effective and quick than it used to be.

The Budapest Times also agreed to publish a piece about this, and I'm hoping to see more districts and even other cities to think about starting something like this.

Thanks for visiting & reading my blog!
